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Season 2024/2025

last updated 27.2.25

Wednesday League Tables   updated 27.2.25
Wednesday League Fixtures & Results   updated 27.2.25
Wednesday League Cup & Divisional Cup   updated 24.1.25
League news   updated 9.2.25
Singles & Shield competitions   updated 27.2.25
Doubles & Shield competitions   updated 27.2.25
Intra-Divisional Singles competition   updated 9.2.25
Ladies Open & Mixed Doubles competitions   updated 8.9.24
Over 40's, Seniors & Youth competitions   updated 27.2.25
The Plate & Three Person Team Event   updated 31.1.25
QuickFix   the next seven days
Calendar   the season at a glance
Roll of Honour
Downloadable information & forms
Contact the Committee
BPL Links

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