last update 8.12.24 Check for team changes in your Division
Under no circumstances are players or team supporters allowed to touch the table while a game is in progress, other than the players currently playing that game and the referees.
All members shall respect their opponents, whether playing home or away and act with integrity, honesty and fairness in a sporting manner. Members should refrain from any activity that could be construed as “unsporting conduct” and the badgering of opponents, personal insults, derogatory remarks or intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated.
A player is required to play without receiving any advice from other persons relating to the playing of the frame. Should a team member or bona-fide supporter of a player offer advice, the referee will issue a "First and Final Warning" to that person that a repetition will result in the player being penalised via a Standard Foul. Because it may not always be possible for the Referee to hear if a statement made to a player is advice, the referee may issue the First and Final Warning on the grounds that any statement made to a player, other than general barracking, is deemed to be coaching.
Our League respects the rights, dignity and value of all players and treats everyone equally regardless of their ability, age, gender, ethnicity, race, religious belief, sexuality or socio-economic status. We will not tolerate any bullying, harassment (physical or verbal) or sexual or physical abuse against any player on the basis of these or any other characteristic. Any player who wishes to report an incident of bullying, harassment or inappropriate behaviour can do so, in confidence, to the Chair of the Bristol Pool League, Chris Whitehead:
In blackball pool, a stalemate occurs when a player finds it impossible to make a legal shot, either by accident or design. The frame is restarted, and the original player who broke the rack breaks again.
The draws for the Singles and Doubles are now available online. Once again we have smashed previous entries, to the extent that the Doubles now need an extra round, with the Singles narrowly just short of an extra round!
The new A1 Tuning Bristol Inter-Divisional Singles competition is launched this month, entry forms available online.
Entry forms and fees for the Over 40s and Seniors comps should also be returned at the January meeting, entry forms online.
The BPL COMMITTEE wishes everyone a happy and safe festive holiday, and we will see you at the next League meeting on January 2.
TEAM CHANGES Every year there are numerous team changes throughout the season. Keep checking the list below for your Division's changes, as mistakes cannot be rectified. Wednesday Division Four 5.10.24 - Team 14, Butlers Balls are now playing at Almondsbury Creative, Almondsbury.